Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Moving Along Through South Carolina

The landscape we've passed through along the ICW has been extremely varied.
We've passed by many gorgeous golf courses as we slip along anchorage to anchorage averaging approximately 40 miles progress for each 8 hour day of travel.
We experienced problems while over-nighting in Cow House Creek.  We used a trip-line on the anchor as we were in the "Wildlife Refuge Area" in the Cyprus Swamp. (Waccamaw River)
We were awakened by a neighbouring boat at midnight to check our anchor.  The strong tidal current had twisted us about so much our dinghy had entangled in the trip-line and lifted the anchor out.....we were indeed dragging along.
Our next night was spent pleasantly quiet in the South Santee River.
We were surprised to find the anchor was covered in some sort of creature......possibly oysters, as we lifted from the Mile 460 location.
Dolphins accompanied us across the dead calm waters of the Charleston Inlet, past Fort Sumter.
We waited twice today for bridges to open ..... a full hour at the Wappoo Island bridge.  We travelled against extreme current at Elliott Cut (M473)..... down to l.l knots and dropped anchor for the night, all alone at M488 (Church Creek).
We sat on deck in the warm evening air and watched the dolphins as the sun set.

1 comment:

Rob Smith - Stryder said...

Hi Barry/Donna: During this global COVID-19 pandemic isolation, your travel details are a welcome respite from sitting around waiting for it to pass. As we read them, we are vicariously sharing your many experiences. Your observations regarding ecology, environment, cultural and political goings-on are revealing. You are managing to convey a side of travel that we wouldn't see anywhere else. You both seem to have a unique appreciation from your floating vantage point. Keep safe, keep traveling, stay your course and be healthy. We await your next posting. Anna & Rob.