Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Safely Home

As we've been making our way south we've listened on the radio as the number of cases of Covid-19 escalated in the U.S.
While on the water we felt quite safe ..... at arm's length from the problem, so to speak but we knew eventually we'd have to attempt to make our way by car through the hot-zones to get home.
For the past while we've been attempting to find a boat yard where we could get the boat hauled out to store and co-ordinate a car rental.  Much to our dismay we found some of the yards were already full and many of the car rental agencies had closed, as had the restaurants and hotels.
We finally had luck at Tiger Point Marina, Fernandina Beach, Amelia Island, Florida.
Enterprise car rental agency agreed to deliver a car to the dock there.
On March 31st at high tide, slack water, Sea Star was lifted out of Egan's Creek.
Barry rode back with the "Enterprise" employee as she returned to her office.  She told him she had been required to show her work documentation that day to justify to the Police Officers at the Georgia/Florida border her "movement on the road" was job related.  She also told Barry he was the first person she'd transported who had worn a mask and gloves.
We sterilized the rental car, loaded it with our luggage and the boat gear that was going home and left Florida at 5:00 p.m.  We napped in 2 rest areas and ate only the cereal I'd brought with us from the boat.
It took 18 hours to make our way from Florida's 90 F (33C) degree temperature to our car we'd left behind in Virginia.  When we arrived at our initial departure point in Virginia (Reedville) it was 39 F (4C) degrees ..... exactly the same high temperature as the day we'd left 5 weeks before.  Good thing we left when we did and didn't hold out waiting for spring.
We returned the rental car to downtown Richmond at mid-day.  We were shocked to find it was a ghost town.
We arrived at the Canadian border, Fort Erie at 11:20 p.m. on April 1st and cleared in to Canada.  We were the only car in the area.  There was 1 lane open .... it was "manned" by an elderly, kindly gentleman (no mask).  He told us we were to go straight home and to stay there for 2 weeks.  We were to make no stops along the way.  He said if we were "caught" outside of our home in the next 2 weeks we would be subject to a 1 Million dollar fine and 3 years in jail.
33 hours after we left our boat in Florida, we arrived home ..... totally, completely exhausted but so very glad to be safely home.

Tiger Point Marina and Boat Works - Fernandina Beach, Amelia Island, Florida

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