TTSA (Trinidad and Tobago Sailing Association)
While biding our time in Trinidad this year through the hurricane season we decided to treat ourselves to a period of stay at TTSA in Hart's Cut Bay (off Carenage Bay).
A monthly fee of $630 TT (Trinidad and Tobago dollars - $100 U.S.) allows us access to the sailing club's facilities which include: showers, laundry, pool, bar, restaurant, wi-fi, fresh water, electricity and workshop. Weekly pot-luck gatherings on the grounds encourage and enable great socializing.
A youth sailing school also operates out of the facility.
We note, with interest, a huge number of cruiser's boats "on the hard" in the Chaguaramas (Trinidad) marinas but the vast majority of cruisers themselves have left their boats and flown "home" through the hurricane season. The marinas are absolutely bursting with stored vessels but few people are on the grounds.
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