Island Hopping - Heading South - The Windwards
St. Vincent to Bequia (Admiralty Bay)
Anchor to Anchor - June 5, 2008
2l miles - 4 1/2 hours
Rain, Rain, Go Away ! (Please)
After a night of heavy rain we set off carefully along St. Vincent's shore as local fishermen seem to be everywhere. Unlike other islands where the fishing boats are manned by 2-3 men and carry large out-board motors, here the fishermen are alone rowing their small wooden boats. They can be seen tending their nets miles from shore.
We experienced difficulty anchoring in Bequia due to crowded conditions in the bay. We wound our way between the many other anchored boats, locals kayaking after their toy sailboats as well as other local traffic "bombing" through the anchorage at high speed; all while winds up to 35 knots with rain blew us about.
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