Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Touring in the Dominican Republic

Together with our friends we took a "jeep type" island day tour.
It was most informative as we learned about the D.R.'s bounty of cocoa, coffee and tobacco (cigars). We visited the island's largest sugar cane plantation (l78 square miles) and sampled some of the locally produced rum. We toured a typical home, saw the zip-line towers, swam at Playa Macao and even went horse-back riding.
We used seat-belts along with hand straps to hold ourselves in our seats on the "jeep" as we travelled from sight to sight throughout the day. We were tossed about liberally on the rough dirt terrain - better suited to donkey travel. In spite of this, our tour guide, Reese, kept us laughing non-stop. His antics were hilarious as he made "Dominican coffee" (rum with a small splash, colouring shall we say, of coke. He accomplished this feat while standing up, unsupported as the truck bounced along the dirt track. He poured the water out of one of the water bottles (who would want to drink that anyway?) and filled the bottle with rum (to make room for the coke in the rum bottle). Step 2 was to fill the rum bottle with coke, put the top on it, shake vigorously and laugh exuberantly. Step 3 - remove some of the rum coloured with coke mixture so more rum can be added from the contents of the water bottle (drinking this was a good way to make more room in the rum bottle).
So, the net result is a rum bottle that contains 97% rum, 3% coke, while consuming in the process approximately 8 ounces of the mixture.
This "coffee" was slipped into the glasses of unsuspecting passengers by distracting them as he pointed out local sights such as zebras (?).
Reese was also extremely proficient at serving cerveza by using water bottles to pop the caps.
Holding his balance as he concocted and served drinks while underway was nothing short of amazing.
We laughed ourselves silly (perhaps it was the rum) - what fun!

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