Sunday, September 15, 2013


Sitting behind a break-wall on Lake Champlain's shore lies Vermont's largest city - Burlington.
The population of just 42,000 in this "university" town adds to the unique culture that is so much a part of Vermont.
Burlington boasts a very tourist friendly waterfront with beaches, parks, restaurants and a very busy, well-used "recreation" path (the 12 mile island line trail).
A "closed traffic" bricked roadway covers several blocks of the downtown which makes for a very pedestrian friendly area to shop and dine.
Adding to the boating traffic in this busy harbour are many sight-seeing boats and dinner cruises.
This is also one of the 3 places on Lake Champlain where the ferry crosses.
Just south of Burlington is one of the more popular sailing areas in the lake - Shelburne Bay.
Located on the waterfront is a wonderfully interesting, family-friendly science centre - ECHO. 
The name reflects the Ecology, Culture, History and Opportunity of the Lake Champlain basin.
We had 3 very interesting and enjoyable visits to Burlington during our summer afloat in Lake Champlain and we felt their waterfront offered one of the most spectacular views of New York state's Adirondack mountains.

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