Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Big Sand Cay - Turks and Caicos
La 21.11.6'N Lo 71.15.2'W
Big Sand Cay is a giant, completely isolated sand dune surrounded by reef and crystal clear turquoise water.
We spent 3 nights here, all but one by ourselves. We swam to shore a couple of times and explored the "island" extensively. The only structures on shore are 2 abandoned old wells and a non-working light. The wind instruments previously here are now gone. The windward side was a great delight to us as we scrounged through the debris (flip-flops, runners, bottles, plastic jugs, floats, nets, coral and shells). Barry "scored" some lines, hose clamps and a plastic spout. I was happy with the shells and sea glass.
The layer of tiny, round white shells on the lee-side beach give one the impression of bubbles in the sand.
On shore we note a multitude of small lizards that call Big Sand Cay home. As well, we spotted a pair of Osprey, 3 tropic-birds, a barracuda, a shark and a sting-ray. After dark flocks of unidentified small birds "screamed" around the island.
While here we find ourselves thinking of, and missing, Ola and Tom (Blind Faith) and Carmelle and Yvon (Taima) as they were here with us on our way south in 2007.

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