Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ngoma in Martinique Le Marin, Martinique La 14.27.98'N Lo 060.52.63'W Anchor to Anchor - Admiralty Bay, Bequia to Le Marin, Martinique - 24 hours - 109 miles We stopped in Martinique with the hopes of connecting up with our good friends, Robin and Sandra on Ngoma. As we neared shore we were absolutely thrilled when they answered our first call on the vhf radio. While we enjoyed Robin and Sandra's company for 4 days, we explored Marin, the yachting capital of Martinique and relished in the French ambiance. We were in awe as we visited the Jesuit church, built in l766. With interest we watched as the local yole boats sailed about the harbour. To balance the boat, as wind fills the sail, crew members must slide their weight along poles that extend out the side of the boat - a real balancing act, for sure. Not to be outdone by the yole boat sailors were the hang-gliders who daily rode (in tandem) the thermal currents on the hill beside us. It was hard to wave good-bye to our dear friends Robin and Sandra on Ngoma. Our time together with them has expanded our perspective on life. We were constantly fascinated to hear of their journey - where life has taken them, their family, their diving excursions and of course, their home in Zimbabwe. Robin and Sandra will forever be a part of us.

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