Monday, November 17, 2008

Out & About in Trinidad - the theatre Thanks to arrangements made by Carmelle off Taima I travelled along with 3 other ladies to an afternoon theatre performance at the University of the West Indies. We enjoyed the one-woman play "Gravity" which was written and performed by Tricia Collins (a Canadian sponsored work - Pickering Productions - Arts in Action). We travelled by maxi-taxi to the university grounds during a torrential down-pour. As we passed through the capital city (Port of Spain) we witnessed first-hand Trinidad's flooding problem. We saw cars abandoned in water up to their windows and road-side vendors up to their knees in it. While I was at the theatre enjoying a pleasant afternoon Barry was on-board our boat keeping very busy. The high winds and waves from the storm caused a 45' Hunter sailboat to drag through the anchorage sideways, picking up another boat's anchor on the way. Barry had a very wet and busy afternoon as he joined others in rescue efforts to minimize the damage. After an interesting day we all gathered; husbands and wives, for a special dinner at Peake's restaurant to share stories of our exciting adventures on that stormy day.

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