Monday, April 28, 2008

St. John - Virgin Islands National Park

Just over half of the small, rugged volcanic island of St. John is protected land within the Virgin Islands National Park (5,650 acres) adjacent to which is the Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument where 13,000 acres of off-shore waters are protected.
The Park operates a very informative visitor center in Cruz Bay where the rangers will happily assist in planning outings to explore the island.
One interpretive program we took part in was a "Sky Watch" at the Cinnamon Bay campground, where we made star sightings through a telescope on the beach.
A 3 mile hike from an elevation of 850 feet in the centre of the island down to reef bay allowed us to explore historical Danish sugar plantation ruins along with interesting flora and fauna as we travelled through both dry and moist tropical forest. On this hike we visited the petroglyphs, sighted 3 mongoose and 1 deer and luckily didn't encounter the 400 pound wild boar that supposedly frequent the area.

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