Friday, June 22, 2007

Dominica to Martinique (The Windward Chain)

Saturday, June 2nd was a very long day for us.
We were underway from Dominica before 0500 hours.
We heaved-to half way to Martinique in 20-25 knot SE winds (l0 foot seas) to put a line on our Johnson outboard, as we feared the unexpected high wind and seas would cause our dinghy to break free of us.
Our approach to Martinique was extremely difficult as the winds were strong and gusting causing the waves to be up; both on the nose, accentuated by the erratic currents at the end of the island. At this point the lower starboard shroud broke (rod rigging, 2" below where it joins the mast, reason unknown). We remained on the port tack as we beat into the wind and waves, but dropped the main sail when we had to change direction. Under power, with just the geneo sail up, we were making between 2-3 knots progress along Martinique's coast.
At l800 hours we wound between the multitude of wind-surfers and day-sailers, that were playing in the bay, to lay anchor off the main street of Fort de France.
Anchor to anchor - Dominica to Martinique - 55 miles - l3 hours

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