Friday, February 16, 2007

Aground - Bimini

We underwent a dreadful ordeal by being grounded for over 24 hours in the anchorage in North Bimini.
Our 2 high tide attempts to get free consisted of :
working her by our engine power back and forth through the sand,
using the sails to list her over,
using 2 anchors to kedge off,
pulling on the main halyard to heel her over as we attempted to power her through the sandbar
Finally just the brut force of an assisting trawler pulled her through after a combined effort of 4 men, working in strong winds and heavy rain for 5-6 hours time.
It's wonderful to be afloat once again, at least temporarily, until the strong current, tidal flow and winds have other plans for us.
We are so very grateful for everyone's help.

1 comment:

Mark Hunsberger said...

Congratulations to the both of you for your first non-mainland stop. London Squadron is hoping that one day you will give members a slide show of your ventures.
All the best and good luck.